In this paper, we study the estimation performance of empirical $\ell_2$ risk minimization (ERM) in noisy (standard) phase retrieval (NPR) given by $y_k = |\alpha_k^*x_0|^2+\eta_k$, or noisy generalized phase retrieval (NGPR) formulated as $y_k = x_0^*A_kx_0 + \eta_k$, where $x_0\in\mathbb{K}^d$ is the desired signal, $n$ is the sample size, $\eta= (\eta_1,...,\eta_n)^\top$ is the noise vector. We establish new error bounds under different noise patterns, and our proofs are valid for both $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{C}$. In NPR under arbitrary noise vector $\eta$, we derive a new error bound $O\big(\|\eta\|_\infty\sqrt{\frac{d}{n}} + \frac{|\mathbf{1}^\top\eta|}{n}\big)$, which is tighter than the currently known one $O\big(\frac{\|\eta\|}{\sqrt{n}}\big)$ in many cases. In NGPR, we show $O\big(\|\eta\|\frac{\sqrt{d}}{n}\big)$ for arbitrary $\eta$. In both problems, the bounds for arbitrary noise immediately give rise to $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\frac{d}{n}})$ for sub-Gaussian or sub-exponential random noise, with some conventional but inessential assumptions (e.g., independent or zero-mean condition) removed or weakened. In addition, we make a first attempt to ERM under heavy-tailed random noise assumed to have bounded $l$-th moment. To achieve a trade-off between bias and variance, we truncate the responses and propose a corresponding robust ERM estimator, which is shown to possess the guarantee $\tilde{O}\big(\big[\sqrt{\frac{d}{n}}\big]^{1-1/l}\big)$ in both NPR, NGPR. All the error bounds straightforwardly extend to the more general problems of rank-$r$ matrix recovery, and these results deliver a conclusion that the full-rank frame $\{A_k\}_{k=1}^n$ in NGPR is more robust to biased noise than the rank-1 frame $\{\alpha_k\alpha_k^*\}_{k=1}^n$ in NPR. Extensive experimental results are presented to illustrate our theoretical findings.
翻译:在本文中, 我们研究 以 $_ k=x_ 0\ kx_ 0\ 2\ k$ 或以 $_ k= x_ 0\ kx_ 0 +\ eta_ k$ (美元) 以 美元 = 0\ in\ mathb{ kd$ (美元) 最理想的信号是 美元 在噪音( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) (美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元) 平面( 美元)