Biometrics on mobile devices has attracted a lot of attention in recent years as it is considered a user-friendly authentication method. This interest has also been motivated by the success of Deep Learning (DL). Architectures based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been established to be convenient for the task, improving the performance and robustness in comparison to traditional machine learning techniques. However, some aspects must still be revisited and improved. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article that intends to explore and propose novel gait biometric recognition systems based on Transformers, which currently obtain state-of-the-art performance in many applications. Several state-of-the-art architectures (Vanilla, Informer, Autoformer, Block-Recurrent Transformer, and THAT) are considered in the experimental framework. In addition, new configurations of the Transformers are proposed to further increase the performance. Experiments are carried out using the two popular public databases whuGAIT and OU-ISIR. The results achieved prove the high ability of the proposed Transformer, outperforming state-of-the-art CNN and RNN architectures.
翻译:近几年来,移动设备的生物测定引起了人们的极大关注,因为它被认为是一种方便用户的认证方法。这种兴趣还得益于深造的成功。基于进化神经网络和经常性神经网络的建筑已经建立,以方便完成这项任务,提高了与传统机器学习技术相比的性能和稳健性。然而,某些方面仍必须重新审查和改进。根据我们的知识,这是打算探索和提出基于变异器的新颖的格格格生物识别系统的第一篇文章,这些变异器目前在许多应用中取得了最先进的性能。在实验框架中考虑了一些最先进的结构(Vanilla、Inforest、Autorif、Block-Remod 变异器和NISIR)。此外,还提议了变异器的新配置以进一步提高性能。正在利用两个受欢迎的公共数据库whuGAIT和OU-ISIR进行实验。取得的结果证明,拟议的变异器、性能超过CNNS和RNNS-NS-st结构的高度能力。