The well-known benefits of cloud computing have spurred the popularity of database service outsourcing, where one can resort to the cloud to conveniently store and query databases. Coming with such popular trend is the threat to data privacy, as the cloud gains access to the databases and queries which may contain sensitive information, like medical or financial data. A large body of work has been presented for querying encrypted databases, which has been mostly focused on secure keyword search. In this paper, we instead focus on the support for secure skyline query processing over encrypted outsourced databases, where little work has been done. Skyline query is an advanced kind of database query which is important for multi-criteria decision-making systems and applications. We propose SecSkyline, a new system framework building on lightweight cryptography for fast privacy-preserving skyline queries. SecSkyline ambitiously provides strong protection for not only the content confidentiality of the outsourced database, the query, and the result, but also for data patterns that may incur indirect data leakages, such as dominance relationships among data points and search access patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SecSkyline is substantially superior to the state-of-the-art in query latency, with up to 813$\times$ improvement.
翻译:众所周知的云计算的好处刺激了数据库服务外包的普及性,人们可以借助云来方便地储存和查询数据库。随着这种流行趋势,数据隐私受到威胁,因为云能进入数据库和查询,可能包含敏感信息,如医疗或财务数据。为查询加密数据库做了大量工作,主要侧重于安全关键词搜索。在本文件中,我们反而侧重于支持加密外包数据库的安全天空线查询处理,而加密外包数据库的加密工作很少。天线查询是一种先进的数据库查询,对于多标准决策系统和应用非常重要。我们提议SecSkyline,这是在轻量级加密密码学上建立一个新的系统框架,用于快速保存隐私的天线查询。SecSkyline雄心勃勃地为不仅外包数据库的内容保密性、查询和结果提供了强有力的保护,而且还为可能造成间接数据泄漏的数据模式提供了保护,例如数据点之间的主导关系和检索模式。广泛的实验表明SecSkyline对于多价位对于多标准的决策系统和应用非常重要。我们提议建立一个新的系统框架,即建立轻量的加密加密密码系统,用于快速保存隐私查询。SecStentimemental-totime to the the thetimetime tost-totitution to the thetimetitution。