In many variants of the game of Cops and Robbers on graphs, multiple cops play against a single robber. In 2019, Cox and Sanaei introduced a variant of the game that gives the robber a more active role than simply evading the cop. In their version, the robber tries to damage as many vertices as possible and the cop attempts to minimize this damage. While the damage variant was originally studied with one cop and one robber, it was later extended to play with multiple cops by Carlson et. al in 2021. We take a different approach by studying the damage variant with multiple robbers against one cop. Specifically, we introduce the $s$-robber damage number of a graph and obtain a variety of bounds on this parameter. Applying these bounds, we determine the $s$-robber damage number for a variety of graph families and characterize graphs with extreme $2$-robber damage number.