In this paper we study a stationary double-diffusive natural convection problem in porous media given by a Navier-Stokes/Darcy type system, for describing the velocity and the pressure, coupled to a vector advection-diffusion equation describing the heat and substance concentration, of a viscous fluid in a porous media with physical boundary conditions. The model problem is rewritten in terms of a first-order system, without the pressure, based on the introduction of the strain tensor and a nonlinear pseudo-stress tensor in the fluid equations. After a variational approach, the resulting weak model is then augmented using appropriate redundant penalization terms for the fluid equations along with a standard primal formulation for the heat and substance concentration. Then, it is rewritten as an equivalent fixed-point problem. Well-posedness and uniqueness results for both the continuous and the discrete schemes are stated, as well as the respective convergence result under certain regularity assumptions combined with the Lax-Milgram theorem, and the Banach and Brouwer fixed-point theorems. In particular, Raviart-Thomas elements of order $k$ are used for approximating the pseudo-stress tensor, piecewise polynomials of degree $ \leq k$ and $\leq k+1$ are utilized for approximating the strain tensor and the velocity, respectively, and the heat and substance concentration are approximated by means of Lagrange finite elements of order $\leq k+1$. Optimal a priori error estimates are derived and confirmed through some numerical examples that illustrate the performance of the proposed semi-augmented mixed-primal scheme.
翻译:在本文中,我们研究了由纳维-斯托克斯/达西型系统给出的多孔介质中固定的双压自然凝解问题。 由纳维埃- 斯托克斯/ 达西型系统给出的, 以描述速度和压力, 加上一个描述热和物质浓度的矢量消化- 扩散方程式, 在有物理边界条件的多孔介质中, 粘结液流体中, 粘结液流体流体流出。 模型问题在没有压力的情况下, 以一阶系统的形式重写。 模型问题基于在液态方程式中引入的压压和一种非线性硬质的硬质变压。 在采用变异方法后, 产生的弱化模型在液体方程式中使用适当的冗余惩罚条件和压力, 液态变异体1 和 美元正态的硬度值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值的值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值的值值值值值值值值值值值值值值值和亚数值值的值值值值值值值值值值值值值的值的值的值值值值值值值的值值值值的值的值的值和值前值值值值值的值值值值值值值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值和值值的值的值的值值值值值值的值的值的值值的值的值的值的值的值值值的值值值值值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值和值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值和值的值的值的值的值的值的值的值的