Engineering a sustainable world requires to consider various systems that interact with each other. These systems include ecological systems, economical systems, social systems and tech-nical systems. They are loosely coupled, geographically distributed, evolve permanently and generate emergent behavior. As these are characteristics of systems of systems (SoS), we discuss the engi-neering of a sustainable world from a SoS engineering perspective. We studied SoS engineering in context of a research project, which aims at political recommendations and a research roadmap for engineering dynamic SoS. The project included an exhaustive literature review, interviews and work-shops with representatives from industry and academia from different application domains. Based on these results and observations, we will discuss how suitable the current state-of-the-art in SoS engi-neering is in order to engineer sustainability. Sustainability was a major driver for SoS engineering in all domains, but we argue that the current scope of SoS engineering is too limited in order to engineer sustainability. Further, we argue that mastering dynamics in this larger scope is essential to engineer sustainability and that this is accompanied by dynamic adaptation of technological SoS.