The Gaussian kernel and its traditional normalizations (e.g., row-stochastic) are popular approaches for assessing similarities between data points, commonly used for manifold learning and clustering, as well as supervised and semi-supervised learning on graphs. In many practical situations, the data can be corrupted by noise that prohibits traditional affinity matrices from correctly assessing similarities, especially if the noise magnitudes vary considerably across the data, e.g., under heteroskedasticity or outliers. An alternative approach that provides a more stable behavior under noise is the doubly stochastic normalization of the Gaussian kernel. In this work, we investigate this normalization in a setting where points are sampled from an unknown density on a low-dimensional manifold embedded in high-dimensional space and corrupted by possibly strong, non-identically distributed, sub-Gaussian noise. We establish the pointwise concentration of the doubly stochastic affinity matrix and its scaling factors around certain population forms. We then utilize these results to develop several tools for robust inference. First, we derive a robust density estimator that can substantially outperform the standard kernel density estimator under high-dimensional noise. Second, we provide estimators for the pointwise noise magnitudes, the pointwise signal magnitudes, and the pairwise Euclidean distances between clean data points. Lastly, we derive robust graph Laplacian normalizations that approximate popular manifold Laplacians, including the Laplace Beltrami operator, showing that the local geometry of the manifold can be recovered under high-dimensional noise. We exemplify our results in simulations and on real single-cell RNA-sequencing data. In the latter, we show that our proposed normalizations are robust to technical variability associated with different cell types.