In this paper, we analyze the fundamental stealthiness-distortion tradeoffs of linear Gaussian dynamical systems under data injection attacks using a power spectral analysis, whereas the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence is employed as the stealthiness measure. Particularly, we obtain explicit formulas in terms of power spectra that characterize analytically the stealthiness-distortion tradeoffs as well as the properties of the worst-case attacks. Furthermore, it is seen in general that the attacker only needs to know the input-output behaviors of the systems in order to carry out the worst-case attacks.
翻译:在本文中,我们用电光谱分析数据注入攻击中高斯线性动态系统的基本隐形-扭曲取舍,而Kullback-Libel(KL)的差异则被用作隐形措施。 特别是,我们获得了权力光谱的明确公式,从分析角度将隐形-扭曲取舍以及最坏攻击的特性定性为。 此外,一般地看,攻击者只需要了解这些系统的输入-输出行为,才能进行最坏的攻击。