Recent trend demonstrates the effectiveness of deep neural networks (DNNs) apply on the task of environment perception in autonomous driving system. While large-scale and complete data can train out fine DNNs, collecting it is always difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. Also, the significance of both accuracy and efficiency cannot be over-emphasized due to the requirement of real-time recognition. To alleviate the conflicts between weak data and high computational consumption of DNNs, we propose a new training framework named Spirit Distillation(SD). It extends the ideas of fine-tuning-based transfer learning(FTT) and feature-based knowledge distillation. By allowing the student to mimic its teacher in feature extraction, the gap of general features between the teacher-student networks is bridged. The Image Party distillation enhancement method(IP) is also proposed, which shuffling images from various domains, and randomly selecting a few as mini-batch. With this approach, the overfitting that the student network to the general features of the teacher network can be easily avoided. Persuasive experiments and discussions are conducted on CityScapes with the prompt of COCO2017 and KITTI. Results demonstrate the boosting performance in segmentation(mIOU and high-precision accuracy boost by 1.4% and 8.2% respectively, with 78.2% output variance), and can gain a precise compact network with only 41.8\% FLOPs(see Fig. 1). This paper is a pioneering work on knowledge distillation applied to few-shot learning. The proposed methods significantly reduce the dependence on data of DNNs training, and improves the robustness of DNNs when facing rare situations, with real-time requirement satisfied. We provide important technical support for the advancement of scene perception technology for autonomous driving.
翻译:最近的趋势表明,深层神经网络(DNN)在自主驱动系统中适用于环境感知任务方面具有效力。 虽然大型完整数据可以培训精细的DNN, 收集数据总是困难、昂贵和耗时的。 此外,由于实时识别的要求,准确性和效率的重要性怎么强调都不过分。 为了缓解数据薄弱与DNN高计算消耗之间的矛盾, 我们提议了一个名为精神蒸馏(SD)的新培训框架。 它扩展了基于微调的转移学习(FTT)和基于地貌的知识蒸馏的概念。 通过让学生在功能提取中模仿教师,收集数据总是困难、昂贵和耗时。 也提出了图像党蒸馏增强方法(IP)的重要性,它从不同领域冲刷图像,随机选择少数数据作为微型批量。 有了这个方法,学生网络可以很容易避免使用基于精细调的转移学习(FTTT) 。 在城市SAPB8中进行实验和讨论, 提高数据精确性部分显示FOVI的精确性。