We propose DropKAN (Dropout Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks) a regularization method that prevents co-adaptation of activation function weights in Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs). DropKAN operates by randomly masking some of the post-activations within the KANs computation graph, while scaling-up the retained post-activations. We show that this simple procedure that require minimal coding effort has a regularizing effect and consistently lead to better generalization of KANs. We analyze the adaptation of the standard Dropout with KANs and demonstrate that Dropout applied to KANs' neurons can lead to unpredictable behaviour in the feedforward pass. We carry an empirical study with real world Machine Learning datasets to validate our findings. Our results suggest that DropKAN is consistently a better alternative to using standard Dropout with KANs, and improves the generalization performance of KANs. Our implementation of DropKAN is available at: \url{https://github.com/Ghaith81/dropkan}.