Attributed event sequences are commonly encountered in practice. A recent research line focuses on incorporating neural networks with the statistical model -- marked point processes, which is the conventional tool for dealing with attributed event sequences. Neural marked point processes possess good interpretability of probabilistic models as well as the representational power of neural networks. However, we find that performance of neural marked point processes is not always increasing as the network architecture becomes more complicated and larger, which is what we call the performance saturation phenomenon. This is due to the fact that the generalization error of neural marked point processes is determined by both the network representational ability and the model specification at the same time. Therefore we can draw two major conclusions: first, simple network structures can perform no worse than complicated ones for some cases; second, using a proper probabilistic assumption is as equally, if not more, important as improving the complexity of the network. Based on this observation, we propose a simple graph-based network structure called GCHP, which utilizes only graph convolutional layers, thus it can be easily accelerated by the parallel mechanism. We directly consider the distribution of interarrival times instead of imposing a specific assumption on the conditional intensity function, and propose to use a likelihood ratio loss with a moment matching mechanism for optimization and model selection. Experimental results show that GCHP can significantly reduce training time and the likelihood ratio loss with interarrival time probability assumptions can greatly improve the model performance.
翻译:实践中通常会遇到自然事件序列。最近的研究线侧重于将神经网络与统计模型 -- -- 标志点进程,这是处理可归因于事件序列的常规工具 -- -- 整合神经网络和统计模型 -- -- 标志点进程。神经标志点进程具有概率模型和神经网络代表力的良好解释性。然而,我们发现,随着网络结构变得更加复杂和更大,神经标志点进程的性能并不总是不断提高,这就是我们称之为性能饱和现象。这是因为,由于神经标志点进程的普遍错误是由网络代表能力和同时使用模型规格决定的。因此,我们可以得出两个主要结论:首先,简单的网络结构在有些情况下不会比复杂模型更差;其次,使用适当的概率假设对于提高网络的复杂性来说,即使不是更重要,也是同样重要的。基于这一观察,我们建议一个简单的图形模型网络结构,它只使用图形化的变异层,因此它可以很容易地加速。我们直接考虑将基础网络结构结构结构的分布与成熟的概率比,我们直接考虑将一个成熟的周期性成本比率与精确度假设进行分配,而不是将精确的周期性成本选择机制加以推估测测测测测测测测。可以大幅地计算。