Electoral control types are ways of trying to change the outcome of elections by altering aspects of their composition and structure [BTT92]. We say two compatible (i.e., having the same input types) control types that are about the same election system E form a collapsing pair if for every possible input (which typically consists of a candidate set, a vote set, a focus candidate, and sometimes other parameters related to the nature of the attempted alteration), either both or neither of the attempted attacks can be successfully carried out [HHM20]. For each of the seven general (i.e., holding for all election systems) electoral control type collapsing pairs found by Hemaspaandra, Hemaspaandra, and Menton [HHM20] and for each of the additional electoral control type collapsing pairs of Carleton et al. [CCH+ 22] for veto and approval (and many other election systems in light of that paper's Theorems 3.6 and 3.9), both members of the collapsing pair have the same complexity since as sets they are the same set. However, having the same complexity (as sets) is not enough to guarantee that as search problems they have the same complexity. In this paper, we explore the relationships between the search versions of collapsing pairs. For each of the collapsing pairs of Hemaspaandra, Hemaspaandra, and Menton [HHM20] and Carleton et al. [CCH+ 22], we prove that the pair's members' search-version complexities are polynomially related (given access, for cases when the winner problem itself is not in polynomial time, to an oracle for the winner problem). Beyond that, we give efficient reductions that from a solution to one compute a solution to the other. For the concrete systems plurality, veto, and approval, we completely determine which of their (due to our results) polynomially-related collapsing search-problem pairs are polynomial-time computable and which are NP-hard.
选举控制类型是试图通过改变选举的构成和结构来改变选举结果的方式[BTT92]。我们称关于相同选举系统E的两个兼容(即具有相同输入类型)的控制类型形成折叠对,如果对于每个可能的输入(通常由候选人集合、投票集合、焦点候选人以及有关尝试改变性质的其他参数组成),两个尝试性攻击都可以成功执行或者两个都未能成功执行 [HHM20]。对于Hemaspaandra、Hemaspaandra和Menton [HHM20]和Carleton等人[CCH+ 22]找到的七对常规(适用于所有选举系统)的崩溃折叠控制类型和否决和批准选举控制类型,两个折叠对的成员具有相同的复杂性,作为集合,它们是相同的集合。然而,作为搜索问题,它们的复杂性相同的保证是不够的。在本文中,我们探讨了折叠对的搜索版本之间的关系。对于Hemaspaandra、Hemaspaandra和Menton [HHM20]和Carleton等人[CCH+ 22]的每个折叠对,我们证明了折叠对成员的搜索版本复杂度是多项式相关的,并给出了有效的归约,利用一个解决方案计算另一个解决方案,如果获胜者问题本身不在多项式时间内,可以访问一个获胜者问题谷。此外,我们完全确定了多数派、否决和批准系统(由于我们的结果),哪些折叠搜索问题对哪些问题是多项式时间可计算的,哪些问题是NP难的。