In the Hospitals/Residents problem, every hospital has an upper quota that limits the number of residents assigned to it. While, in some applications, each hospital also has a lower quota for the number of residents it receives. In this setting, a stable matching may not exist. Envy-freeness is introduced as a relaxation of stability that allows blocking pairs involving a resident and an empty position of a hospital. While, envy-free matching might not exist either when lower quotas are introduced. We consider the problem of finding a feasible matching that satisfies lower quotas and upper quotas and minimizes envy in terms of envy-pairs and envy-residents in the Hospitals/Resident problem with Lower Quota. We show that the problem is NP-hard with both envy measurement. We also give a simple exponential-time algorithm for the Minimum-Envy-Pair HRLQ problem.
翻译:在医院/居民问题中,每家医院都有上限,限制分配给它的居民人数;虽然在某些申请中,每家医院也拥有较低的居民人数配额;在这种环境下,可能不存在稳定的匹配;在放松稳定性,允许居民和医院空位的对夫妇相互隔离;在实行较低配额时,也可能不存在无嫉妒的匹配;我们认为,找到一种可行的匹配方法,满足较低的配额和上限配额,并在较低配额的医院/居民问题中尽量减少嫉妒和嫉妒。我们表明,问题很严重,两者都有嫉妒的分量。我们还为最低就业-Pair HRLQ问题提供了简单的指数-时间算法。