Ranking and Balance are arguably the two most important algorithms in the online matching literature. They achieve the same optimal competitive ratio of $1-1/e$ for the integral version and fractional version of online bipartite matching by Karp, Vazirani, and Vazirani (STOC 1990) respectively. The two algorithms have been generalized to weighted online bipartite matching problems, including vertex-weighted online bipartite matching and AdWords, by utilizing a perturbation function. The canonical choice of the perturbation function is $f(x)=1-e^{x-1}$ as it leads to the optimal competitive ratio of $1-1/e$ in both settings. We advance the understanding of the weighted generalizations of Ranking and Balance in this paper, with a focus on studying the effect of different perturbation functions. First, we prove that the canonical perturbation function is the \emph{unique} optimal perturbation function for vertex-weighted online bipartite matching. In stark contrast, all perturbation functions achieve the optimal competitive ratio of $1-1/e$ in the unweighted setting. Second, we prove that the generalization of Ranking to AdWords with unknown budgets using the canonical perturbation function is at most $0.624$ competitive, refuting a conjecture of Vazirani (2021). More generally, as an application of the first result, we prove that no perturbation function leads to the prominent competitive ratio of $1-1/e$ by establishing an upper bound of $1-1/e-0.0003$. Finally, we propose the online budget-additive welfare maximization problem that is intermediate between AdWords and AdWords with unknown budgets, and we design an optimal $1-1/e$ competitive algorithm by generalizing Balance.
翻译:排名和平衡是在线匹配文献中两个最重要的算法。 它们可以实现相同的最佳竞争比率, 即完整版本和分版的在线双边对齐分别由 Karp、 Vazirani 和 Vazirani (STOC 1990) 匹配的1-1/ e美元。 这两种算法已普遍化为加权在线双边对齐问题, 包括顶点加权在线双边匹配和 AdWord 。 周期性比对功能的可选选择值是 $f( x) =1- e ⁇ x-1} 美元, 因为它在两种情况下都导致最佳竞争比率对齐。 我们提高了对分级和平衡加权对分级和平衡( STOC 1990) (STOC 1990) 的理解, 重点是研究不同分级功能的影响。 首先, 我们证明, 螺旋性对双边平级对平级对平级对平级/ 平级对平平平平级预算的 最显著的功能是 美元 。