Polynomial functors are a categorical generalization of the usual notion of polynomial, which has found many applications in higher categories and type theory: those are generated by polynomials consisting a set of monomials built from sets of variables. They can be organized into a cartesian bicategory, which unfortunately fails to be closed for essentially two reasons, which we address here by suitably modifying the model. Firstly, a naive closure is too large to be well-defined, which can be overcome by restricting to polynomials which are finitary. Secondly, the resulting putative closure fails to properly take the 2-categorical structure in account. We advocate here that this can be addressed by considering polynomials in groupoids, instead of sets. For those, the constructions involved into composition have to be performed up to homotopy, which is conveniently handled in the setting of homotopy type theory: we use it here to formally perform the constructions required to build our cartesian bicategory, in Agda. Notably, this requires us introducing an axiomatization in a small universe of the type of finite types, as an appropriate higher inductive type of natural numbers and bijections.
翻译:多元式真菌是多元性通常概念的绝对概括, 它在较高类别和类型理论中发现许多应用: 这些是多元性理论产生的, 由一组从变量组组成的单项体组成。 它们可以组织成一个cartesian 双类, 不幸的是, 基本上由于两个原因无法关闭, 我们在这里通过适当修改模型来解决这个问题。 首先, 天真的封闭太大, 无法很好地界定, 可以通过限制在具有根基的多元性来克服。 其次, 由此形成的假设性封闭无法适当地将2类结构考虑在内。 我们在这里主张, 可以通过在组中考虑多类体, 而不是组来解决这个问题。 对于这些, 组成结构的构造必须进行同质结构化, 在同质类型理论的设置中可以方便地处理 。 我们在这里使用它来正式进行所需的构造, 以在阿格达建立我们的软体双类。 很明显, 这要求我们在一个小的自然体中引入一种高位化, 的自然体型的自然体型号中, 需要引入一种更高级的自然体型号。