A $3$-connected graph is minimally 3-connected if removal of any edge destroys 3-connectivity. We present an algorithm for constructing minimally 3-connected graphs based on the results in (Dawes, JCTB 40, 159-168, 1986) using two operations: adding an edge between non-adjacent vertices and splitting a vertex. In order to test sets of vertices and edges for 3-compatibility, which depends on the cycles of the graph, we develop a method for obtaining the cycles of $G'$ from the cycles of $G$, where $G'$ is obtained from $G$ by one of the two operations above. We eliminate isomorphs using certificates generated by McKay's isomorphism checker nauty. The algorithm consecutively constructs the non-isomorphic minimally 3-connected graphs with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges from the non-isomorphic minimally 3-connected graphs with $n-1$ vertices and $m-2$ edges, $n-1$ vertices and $m-3$ edges, and $n-2$ vertices and $m-3$ edges.
翻译:如果去除任何边缘会破坏3个连接点,则一个与3个连接点相连的图表只有最少3美元的3美元。我们用两个操作(Dawes, JCTB 40, JCT 40, 159-168, 1986)使用两个操作(Dawes, JCTB 40, 159-168, 1986)来构建一个最小3个连接的图表:增加非相邻的脊椎之间的边缘并分割一个顶部。为了测试3个兼容性的顶部和边缘的一组顶部和边缘,这取决于图表的周期,我们开发了一种方法,从1美元和1美元之间的周期中获取G$的周期。 以上两个操作之一是从G美元中得到的。我们用McKay's异形检查器生成的证书来消除异形。这一算法用美元和1美元和1美元和2美元边缘、1美元和1美元和2美元边缘、1美元和1美元和3美元之间非正值的不相联图。