Smart grid systems are critical to the power industry, however their sophisticated architectural design and operations expose them to a number of cybersecurity threats, such as data tampering, data eavesdropping, and Denial of Service, among others. Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technologies are becoming increasingly popular for detecting cyber assaults in a variety of computer settings, and several efforts have been made to secure various systems. The present AI systems are being exposed and vanquished because of the recent emergence of sophisticated adversarial systems such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). The purpose of this short review is to outline some of the initiatives to protect smart grid systems, their obstacles, and what might be a potential future AI research direction
翻译:智能电网系统对电力工业至关重要,然而,其复杂的建筑设计和操作使其面临若干网络安全威胁,例如数据篡改、数据窃听和拒绝提供服务等,人工智能技术在各种计算机环境中发现网络攻击方面越来越受欢迎,并为确保各种系统安全作出了若干努力。由于最近出现了精密的对抗系统,如Genemental Adversarial Networks(GAN),目前人工智能电网系统受到暴露和削弱。这次简短审查的目的是概述保护智能电网系统的一些举措、其障碍以及可能的未来人工智能研究方向。