Linear complementary pairs (LCPs) of codes have been studied since they were introduced in the context of discussing mitigation measures against possible hardware attacks to integrated circuits. Since the security parameters for LCPs of codes are defined from the (Hamming) distance and the dual distance of the codes in the pair, and the additional algebraic structure of skew constacyclic codes provides tools for studying the the dual and the distance of a code, we study the properties of LCPs of skew constacyclic codes. As a result, we give a characterization for those pairs, as well as multiple results that lead to constructing pairs with designed security parameters. We extend skew BCH codes to a constacyclic context and show that an LCP of codes can be immediately constructed from a skew BCH constacyclic code. Additionally, we describe a Hamming weight-preserving automorphism group in the set of skew constacyclic codes, which can be used for constructing LCPs of codes.