We present a new class of private information retrieval (PIR) schemes that keep the identity of the file requested private in the presence of at most $t$ colluding servers, based on the recent framework developed for such $t$-PIR schemes using star products of transitive codes. These $t$-PIR schemes employ the class of Berman codes as the storage-retrieval code pairs. Berman codes, which are binary linear codes of length $n^m$ for any $n\geq 2$ and $m\geq 1$ being positive integers, were recently shown to achieve the capacity of the binary erasure channel. We provide a complete characterization of the star products of the Berman code pairs, enabling us to calculate the PIR rate of the star product-based schemes that employ these codes. The schemes we present have flexibility in the number of servers, the PIR rate, the storage rate, and the collusion parameter $t$, owing to numerous codes available in the class of Berman codes.