Correct-by-construction synthesis is a cornerstone of the confluence of formal methods and control theory towards designing safety-critical systems. Instead of following the time-tested, albeit laborious (re)design-verify-validate loop, correct-by-construction methodology advocates the use of continual refinements of formal requirements -- connected by chains of formal proofs -- to build a system that assures the correctness by design. A remarkable progress has been made in scaling the scope of applicability of correct-by-construction synthesis -- with a focus on cyber-physical systems that tie discrete-event control with continuous environment -- to enlarge control systems by combining symbolic approaches with principled state-space reduction techniques. Unfortunately, in the security-critical control systems, the security properties are verified ex post facto the design process in a way that undermines the correct-by-construction paradigm. We posit that, to truly realize the dream of correct-by-construction synthesis for security-critical systems, security considerations must take center-stage with the safety considerations. Moreover, catalyzed by the recent progress on the opacity sub-classes of security properties and the notion of hyperproperties capable of combining security with safety properties, we believe that the time is ripe for the research community to holistically target the challenge of secure-by-construction synthesis. This paper details our vision by highlighting the recent progress and open challenges that may serve as bricks for providing a solid foundation for secure-by-construction synthesis of cyber-physical systems.
翻译:在设计安全临界系统方面,正式方法和控制理论是正式方法和控制理论汇合起来,正式方法和控制理论汇合起来,设计安全临界系统的基石。不遵循经过时间考验的尽管费力的(重新)设计验证-验证-valideration环环绕,而正确地逐条方法主张使用不断完善的正式要求 -- -- 由正式证明链链连接起来 -- -- 来建立一个确保设计正确无误的系统。在扩大正确逐条综合的应用范围方面已经取得了显著进展,重点是将独立控制与持续环境挂钩的网络物理系统 -- -- 扩大控制系统,将象征性方法与原则性国家-空间削减技术相结合。 不幸的是,在安全关键控制系统中,安全属性的内在特性被事后核查,从而破坏正确的逐条验证模式。我们假定,为了真正实现安全临界系统按部进行正确化综合的梦想,安全考虑必须进入中场。此外,由于安全特性不透明亚级子系统最近的进展,再加上具有象征性的象征性方法方法,安全属性的象征性方法在设计过程中被核查。我们坚信,安全属性的成熟性研究基础是安全的,而能够把安全属性与我们的安全性综合的系统结合起来。