The 3.7 - 3.98 GHz frequency band (also known as C-band) was recently allocated in the US for the deployment of 5G cellular services. Prior to this, the lower adjacent band, 3.55 - 3.7 GHz, had been allocated to Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), where the entire 150 MHz can be used for free by Tier 3 General Authorized Access (GAA) users, but access to the spectrum needs to be authorized by the Spectrum Access System (SAS). GAA users are allowed on a channel only when there are no Tier 1 Incumbents (Navy radars) or Tier 2 Priority Access License (PAL) users in the area. However, since there are no guard bands between GAA and C-band, and both systems employ Time Division Duplexing (TDD) where the uplink/downlink configurations are not synchronized, adjacent channel interference can potentially reduce the performance of both systems. In this paper, we quantify the effect of this mutual interference by performing experiments with a real-world deployment. We observe significant downlink throughput reductions on both systems when two devices are in close proximity to each other, and one is transmitting uplink while the other is transmitting downlink: 60% for 4G CBRS and 43% for 5G C-band. We believe that this is the first paper to demonstrate this in a real deployment. This throughput degradation was reduced when the CBSD changed its channel and operated 20 MHz away from C-band, essentially creating a guard band between the channels. We also demonstrate the improvement in latency under adjacent channel interference by implementing MicroSlicing at the CBSD. Our results indicate that addressing adjacent channel interference due to the lack of guard bands and TDD configuration mismatch is crucial to improving the performance of both CBRS and C-band systems.
翻译:最近,美国将3.7-3.98 GHz频段(也称为C-band)分配给了部署5G移动通信服务。在此之前,较低的邻频段3.55-3.7 GHz已经分配给了公民无线电服务(CBRS),其中整个150 MHz频谱可以免费供普通授权访问(GAA)用户使用,但必须由频谱访问系统(SAS)授权使用。只有当区域内没有第一等级的使用方(海军雷达)或第二等级的优先访问许可(PAL)用户时,才允许GAA用户使用频道。但是,由于C-band和CBRS之间没有保护频段,并且两个系统都采用时间分割双工(TDD)方式,其中上行/下行配置不同步,邻频干扰可能会降低两个系统的性能。 在本文中,我们通过对真实部署进行实验来量化该相互干扰的效果。我们观察到,当两个设备相互靠近时,一个设备正在上行传输,而另一个设备正在下行传输时,两个系统的下行吞吐量都会显着降低:CBRS降低60%,5G C-band降低43%。我们认为,这是第一篇在实际部署中展示这一点的论文。当CBSD更改其频道并远离C-band 20 MHz,即基本上在通道之间创建了保护频段时,此吞吐率降低。我们还通过在CBSD实现MicroSlicing来证明了邻频干扰下延迟的改善。我们的结果表明,解决由于缺乏保护频段和TDD配置不匹配而引起的邻频干扰对于提高CBRS和C-band系统的性能至关重要。