项目名称: 纳米光波导中的光子相干输运与量子调控
项目编号: No.11304210
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 闫从华
作者单位: 四川师范大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 纳米光波导中的单光子效应具有很强的可控性,在光量子信息处理的物理实现方面具有广阔的应用前景。以前的研究工作主要考虑光子与二能级原子相互作用,由于光子的透射率难以调控,仅用二能级原子和单光波导实现光子的可控输运比较困难。我们最近的研究发现,可利用光子与原子的非对称耦合调控光子的相干输运。在本项目中,采用量子光波导理论,(1)进一步研究嵌入三能级原子的微腔与光波导耦合中的光子可控输运。探讨耦合强度、腔场耗散和原子数目等对单光子输运的影响。(2)研究在双光波导中,以原子为媒介实现光子对光子的调控。分析不同耦合强度的双光子与二能级原子的相互作用,以及不同频率的双光子与三能级原子的相互作用。研究光子与原子之间的耦合强度、外加经典控制光场和磁场等对双光子透射谱和双光子关联函数的影响。通过本项目的研究,获得纳米光导中光子相干输运的高效调控方案,为全光开关、光子频率转换器等新型光子器件的研制提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 光子;纳米光波导;相干输运;量子调控;腔
英文摘要: With the strong controllabilities of quantum effects at the single-photon level, nano optical waveguides have significant prospects of application in the physical realization of optical quantum information processing. The previous studies on this topic have mostly focused on the transporting photons scattered by a two-level atom (TLA) in a single optical waveguide. Nevertheless, since the transmission coefficients of the transporting photons can not be adjusted in high efficiency, it is difficult to control the transport of the resonant photon by only using the TLA coupled to the single optical waveguide. In our latest works, we proposed an approach to control the coherent transport of photons by using asymmetric couplings between the photons and the atoms. In this project, by using the quantum optical waveguide theory, we will further investigate the photons transporting along the nano optical waveguide coupled to the optical cavities with controlled three-level atoms inside. We will discuss the transmission properties of resonant photons influenced by coupling strengths, the dissipative rates of cavities, and the number of the atoms, etc.. Then, the controllability of one photon by the other through the medium of the atom coupled to double optical waveguides will be investigated. We will study two photons
英文关键词: photon;nano optical waveguide;coherent transport;quantum manipulation;cavity