We consider tit-for-tat dynamics in production markets, where there is a set of $n$ players connected via a weighted graph. Each player $i$ can produce an eponymous good using its linear production function, given as input various amounts of goods in the system. In the tit-for-tat dynamic, each player $i$ shares its good with its neighbors in fractions proportional to how much they helped player $i$'s production in the last round. This dynamic has been studied before in exchange markets by Wu and Zhang. We analyze the long term behavior of the dynamic and characterize which players grow in the long term as a function of the graph structure. At a high level, we find that a player grows in the long term if and only if it has a good self loop (i.e. is productive alone) or works well with at least one other player. We also consider a generalized damped update, where the players may update their strategies with different speeds, and obtain a lower bound on their rate of growth by finding a function that gives insight into the behavior of the dynamical system.
翻译:我们考虑生产市场上的“奶换国家”动态。 生产市场上有一组美元玩家通过加权图表连接在一起。 每个玩家美元可以使用其线性生产功能产生一种无名的商品。 在系统中,作为各种货物的输入量。 在“奶换国家”动态中,每个玩家美元与邻居分享其商品,其分数与他们在上一轮帮助玩家生产美元的比例成比例。这种动态在Wu和Zhang的交换市场中已经研究过。 我们分析了长期的动态行为,以及玩家长时期作为图表结构函数而增长的特点。 在高层次上,我们发现玩家只有在拥有良好的自我循环(即单独生产)或至少与其他玩家一起工作良好的情况下,才会长期增长。 我们还考虑一个普遍的悬崖式更新,让玩家能够以不同的速度更新其战略,并通过找到能够洞察动态系统行为功能而获得较低的增长率约束。