项目名称: 石斑鱼半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂B(CystatinB)在虹彩病毒SGIV感染中的作用及机制研究
项目编号: No.41506176
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 魏世娜
作者单位: 华南农业大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 石斑鱼是我国南方重要的海水名贵养殖鱼类之一,经济价值极高。病害频繁爆发是其可持续健康发展的主要瓶颈,新加坡石斑鱼虹彩病毒(Singapore grouper iridovirus, SGIV)是其中最严重的传染性病毒病原之一,目前,有关石斑鱼对SGIV感染的免疫应答机理仍不十分清楚。我们前期研究表明,石斑鱼半胱氨酸组织蛋白酶B(Cathepsin B)参与了SGIV感染过程,而半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂B(Cystatin B)是Cathepsin B的天然胞内抑制剂。本项目拟利用石斑鱼脾脏转录组文库中筛选得到的EST克隆石斑鱼Cystatin B基因,并进一步通过体外过表达、RNA干扰、流式细胞、免疫共沉淀及共聚焦显微镜等技术研究Cystatin B在SGIV感染中的功能与作用机制。研究结果不仅有助于我们进一步了解鱼类在病毒感染中的免疫应答机制,还为虹彩病毒病的防治提供新的理论依据和潜在靶点。
中文关键词: 石斑鱼;半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂B;新加坡石斑鱼虹彩病毒;病毒感染
英文摘要: Grouper, Epinephelus spp., one of the major species being maricultured in China, are high-priced and popular seafood fish. However, with the rapid production and development of fish worldwide, fish diseases have become severe and threaten the fish industry in recent years. Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) is a major viral pathogen causing high mortality and huge economic losses in grouper cultures. So far, the recognition mechanisms of host cells to SGIV infection remain poorly understood. Our previous studies indicated that grouper Cathepsin B participated in the infection of SGIV. Cystatin B is a nature intracellular cysteine proteinase inhibitor which is a tightly-binding reversible inhibitor of Cathepsin B. In this study, we try to clone the grouper Cystatin B gene on the basis of EST screened from grouper splenic transcriptome library. Then the effects and mechanisms of grouper Cystatin B on SGIV induced apoptosis and virus replication will be investigated through over-expression, RNAi, flow cytometry, Co-IP, confocal microscopy, etc. The results will be beneficial to further understanding the mechanisms of immune responses in fish during virus infection, and ultimately development of new control and therapeutic strategies.
英文关键词: Epinephelus coioides;Cystatin B;Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV);viral infection