We present a bracketing-based encoding that can be used to represent any 2-planar dependency tree over a sentence of length n as a sequence of n labels, hence providing almost total coverage of crossing arcs in sequence labeling parsing. First, we show that existing bracketing encodings for parsing as labeling can only handle a very mild extension of projective trees. Second, we overcome this limitation by taking into account the well-known property of 2-planarity, which is present in the vast majority of dependency syntactic structures in treebanks, i.e., the arcs of a dependency tree can be split into two planes such that arcs in a given plane do not cross. We take advantage of this property to design a method that balances the brackets and that encodes the arcs belonging to each of those planes, allowing for almost unrestricted non-projectivity (round 99.9% coverage) in sequence labeling parsing. The experiments show that our linearizations improve over the accuracy of the original bracketing encoding in highly non-projective treebanks (on average by 0.4 LAS), while achieving a similar speed. Also, they are especially suitable when PoS tags are not used as input parameters to the models.
翻译:我们提出了一个基于括号的编码,可以用来作为n标签序列代表长度 n 的句子上的任何2平面依赖性树,从而提供几乎全部的横过弧的覆盖,以标签分解顺序。 首先,我们显示,作为标签分解的现有括号编码只能处理投影树非常温和的延伸。 其次,我们克服了这一限制,考虑到在树库绝大多数依赖性合成结构中存在的2平面依赖性特性,即依赖性树的弧可分为两个平面,使某一平面的弧不交叉。我们利用这一属性设计一种平衡括号的方法,将属于其中每一平面的弧编码,允许几乎不受限制的非预测性(覆盖率约为99.9%)的分布性特性。 实验表明,在高度非投影树库中,我们的线性编码比原始排入的精确性更好(平均为0.4 LAS),在使用类似速度时,特别适合PoS的标记。