We challenge existing query-based ontology fault localization methods wrt. assumptions they make, criteria they optimize, and interaction means they use. We find that their efficiency depends largely on the behavior of the interacting expert, that performed calculations can be inefficient or imprecise, and that used optimization criteria are often not fully realistic. As a remedy, we suggest a novel (and simpler) interaction approach which overcomes all identified problems and, in comprehensive experiments on faulty real-world ontologies, enables a successful fault localization while requiring fewer expert interactions in 66 % of the cases, and always at least 80 % less expert waiting time, compared to existing methods.
翻译:我们质疑现有的基于查询的本体缺陷本地化方法。 他们所做的假设、它们的最佳标准和互动意味着它们使用。 我们发现它们的效率在很大程度上取决于互动专家的行为,进行计算的效率可能低效率或不精确,使用优化标准往往不完全现实。 作为一种补救措施,我们建议采用一种新颖的(更简单的)互动方法,克服所有已查明的问题,在对错误现实世界的理论学的全面实验中,能够成功地本地化,同时在66%的案例中需要较少的专家互动,而与现有方法相比,专家等待时间通常至少要减少80%。