Obtaining repeated measurements through observables of underlying physical and natural systems to build dynamical models is engraved in modern science. A key to the success of such methods is that the dynamics in the observed space can often be described by a map that has much lower functional complexity than the one that describes the unknown underlying system. Finding observables that can empirically reduce the functional complexity of the map to be learned, and at the same time, theoretically guarantee exact reconstruction in the new phase space is an open challenge. Here, we determine a set of observables for the Koopman operator of the inverse-limit system of a dynamical system that guarantees exact reconstruction of the underlying dynamical system. Similar to the delay coordinate maps being universal observables in Takens delay embedding, the observables we determine are universal, and hence do not need to be changed while the underlying system is changed. They are determined by a class of driven systems that are comparable to those used in reservoir computing, but which also can causally embed a dynamical system, a phenomenon which we newly describe. Dynamics in the observed space is then shown to be topologically conjugate to the underlying system. Deep learning methods can be used to learn accurate equations from data as a consequence of the topological conjugacy. Besides stability, amenability for hardware implementations, causal embedding-based models provide long-term consistency even for systems that have failed with previously reported data-driven or machine learning methods.