Quantum computing promises speedup of classical algorithms in the long term. Current hardware is unable to support this goal and programs must be efficiently compiled to use of the devices through reduction of qubits used, gate count and circuit duration. Many quantum systems have access to higher levels, expanding the computational space for a device. We develop higher level qudit communication circuits, compilation pipelines, and circuits that take advantage of this extra space by temporarily pushing qudits into these higher levels. We show how these methods are able to more efficiently use the device, and where they see diminishing returns.
翻译:量子计算将带来古典算法的长期加速。 当前的硬件无法支持这个目标, 程序必须高效地编译, 以便通过减少使用的qubit、 门数和电路长度来使用设备 。 许多量子系统可以进入更高层次, 扩大设备计算空间 。 我们开发了更高层次的 Qudit 通信线路、 编译管道和电路, 利用这些额外的空间, 临时将 qutit 推入这些更高的层次 。 我们展示了这些方法如何更有效地使用设备, 以及它们看到回报减少的地方 。