Gaussian Processes (GPs) are expressive models for capturing signal statistics and expressing prediction uncertainty. As a result, the robotics community has gathered interest in leveraging these methods for inference, planning, and control. Unfortunately, despite providing a closed-form inference solution, GPs are non-parametric models that typically scale cubically with the dataset size, hence making them difficult to be used especially on onboard Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) constrained aerial robots. In addition, the integration of popular libraries with GPs for different kernels is not trivial. In this paper, we propose GaPT, a novel toolkit that converts GPs to their state space form and performs regression in linear time. GaPT is designed to be highly compatible with several optimizers popular in robotics. We thoroughly validate the proposed approach for learning quadrotor dynamics on both single and multiple input GP settings. GaPT accurately captures the system behavior in multiple flight regimes and operating conditions, including those producing highly nonlinear effects such as aerodynamic forces and rotor interactions. Moreover, the results demonstrate the superior computational performance of GaPT compared to a classical GP inference approach on both single and multi-input settings especially when considering large number of data points, enabling real-time regression speed on embedded platforms used on SWaP-constrained aerial robots.
翻译:高斯进程(GPs)是捕捉信号统计数据和表达预测不确定性的显性模型。因此,机器人社区已收集了利用这些方法进行推断、规划和控制的兴趣。 不幸的是,尽管提供了封闭式推断解决方案,但GPs是非参数模型,通常与数据集大小不相上下,因此难以在机体大小、重量和动力(SWaP)限制的航空机器人中特别使用。此外,将流行图书馆与不同内核的GPs相结合并非微不足道。我们在此文件中提议GAPT,这是一个将GPs转换为状态空间形式并在线性时间内进行回归的新型工具包。GAPT是设计与机器人中流行的若干优化者高度兼容的。我们彻底验证了拟议方法,以学习单体和多个输入GPs环境的二次输入模型动态。GAPT精确地记录了多个飞行平台和运行条件下的系统行为,包括产生高度非线性效应(如空气动力力力和转动器互动)的系统。此外,我们提议GAPT(G)将GPs)转换成一个新式空间空间空间形态,特别是在直方位后,在考虑采用高压式的模型时,在高点上进行高压后机型的模型的模型上,结果,结果显示高压式的模型的模型的模型,在高压。</s>