We have studied mixed states in the system of three qubits with the property that all their partial transposes are positive, these are called PPT states. We classify a PPT state by the ranks of the state itself and its three single partial transposes. In random numerical searches we find entangled PPT states with a large variety of rank combinations. For ranks equal to five or higher we find both extremal and nonextremal PPT states of nearly every rank combination, with the restriction that the square sum of the four ranks of an extremal PPT state can be at most 193. We have studied especially the rank four entangled PPT states, which are found to have rank four for every partial transpose. These states are all extremal, because of the previously known result that every PPT state of rank three or less is separable. We find two distinct classes of rank 4444 entangled PPT states, identified by a real valued quadratic expression invariant under local SL(2,C) transformations, mathematically equivalent to Lorentz transformations. This quadratic Lorentz invariant is nonzero for one class of states (type I in our terminology) and zero for the other class (type II). The previously known states based on unextendible product bases is a nongeneric subclass of the type I states. We present analytical constructions of states of both types, general enough to reproduce all the rank 4444 PPT states we have found numerically. We can not exclude the possibility that there exist nongeneric rank four PPT states that we do not find in our random numerical searches.
翻译:我们研究了三平方英尺系统中的混合状态, 其所有部分转换的属性都是正数, 这些被称为 PPT 状态。 我们用国家本身的等级将PPT状态分类, 并用3个单一部分转换。 在随机数字搜索中, 我们发现混合的 PPT 状态有各种各样的等级组合。 对于相当于五级或以上的等级组合, 我们发现两个不同的等级, 几乎是五级或五级以上。 限制是, 极端PPT 状态四级的平方和最多可以达到193。 我们特别研究了四级混合的 PPT 状态。 我们特别研究过四级的PPT 状态, 每一个部分转换的等级为四级。 这些州都是极端的, 因为先前已知的结果是, 每一级的PPPT 状态每级或不到五级组合。 我们发现两个不同的等级的PPPT 状态有两种不同的等级, 在当地SL( 2, C) 变形的四级国家, 数学与 Lorentz 变异的不相等国家, 。 这个四级的四级的变数是我们已知的IPT 等级的等级的等级, 我们的等级的等级的等级的等级的等级, 我们的等级的等级的等级的等级的等级的等级的等级, 的等级的等级的等级的等级的等级为非等级的等级的等级, 等级的等级的等级的等级。