In this paper, we study the problem of \textsc{Utility Driven Job Selection} on Road Networks for which the inputs are: a road network with the vertices as the set of Point-Of-Interests (Henceforth mentioned as POI) and the edges are road segments joining the POIs, a set of jobs with their originating POI, starting time, duration, and the utility. A worker can earn the utility associated with the job if (s)he performs this. As the jobs are originating at different POIs, the worker has to move from one POI to the other one to take up the job. Some budget is available for this purpose. Any two jobs can be taken up by the worker only if the finishing time of the first job plus traveling time from the POI of the first job to the second one should be less than or equal to the starting time of the second job. We call this constraint as the temporal constraint. The goal of this problem is to choose a subset of the jobs to maximize the earned utility such that the budget and temporal constraints should not be violated. We present two solution approaches with detailed analysis. First one of them works based on finding the locally optimal job at the end of every job and we call this approach as the \emph{Best First Search Approach}. The other approach is based on the Nearest Neighbor Search on road networks. We perform a set of experiments with real\mbox{-}world trajectory datasets to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed solution approaches. We observe that the proposed approaches lead to more utility compared to baseline methods.
翻译:在本文中,我们研究了道路网络中用于输入内容的\ textsc{ 通用驱动任务选择} 的问题: 路路路网络: 以“点点点点点”为顶端的公路网络( 前后称为 POI ), 边缘是加入 POI 的路段, 一组有源点 POI 、 开始时间、 持续时间和效用的工作。 如果( s) 执行此任务, 工人可以获得与该工作相关的工具。 由于工作起源于不同的 POI, 工人必须从一个 POI 转到另一个 。 为此需要一些预算。 任何两种工作都可以由工人承担, 只要第一个工作的结束时间加上第一个 POI 到第二个工作开始的时间都比起低或相等。 我们将此限制称为时间限制。 问题的目标是选择一个工作分组, 以最大限度地实现已获得的功能, 从而不违反预算和时间限制 。 我们提出两个解决方案的方法, 是要在最接近的轨道上展示。 我们用最接近的路径来搜索。 首先, 我们提出最高级的方法是搜索。