Some standardized environments have been designed for partially observable multi-agent cooperation, but we find most current environments are synchronous, whereas real-world agents often have their own action spaces leading to asynchrony. Furthermore, fixed agents number limits the scalability of action space, whereas in reality agents number can change resulting in a flexible action space. In addition, current environments are balanced, which is not always the case in the real world where there may be an ability gap between different parties leading to asymmetry. Finally, current environments tend to have less stochasticity with simple state transitions, whereas real-world environments can be highly stochastic and result in extremely risky. To address this gap, we propose WarGame Challenge (WGC) inspired by the Wargame. WGC is a lightweight, flexible, and easy-to-use environment with a clear framework that can be easily configured by users. Along with the benchmark, we provide MARL baseline algorithms such as QMIX and a toolkit to help algorithms complete performance tests on WGC. Finally, we present baseline experiment results, which demonstrate the challenges of WGC. We think WGC enrichs the partially observable multi-agent cooperation domain and introduces more challenges that better reflect the real-world characteristics. Code is release in\_center/show/10.