Both blockchain technologies and cloud computing are contemporary emerging technologies. While the application of Blockchain technologies is being spread beyond cryptocurrency, cloud computing is also seeing a paradigm shift to meet the needs of the 4th industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). New technological ad-vancement, especially by the fusion of these two, such as Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS), is considered to be able to significantly generate values to the en-terprises. This article surveys the current status of BaaS in terms of technological development, applications, market potentials and so forth. An evaluative judge-ment, comparing amongst various BaaS platforms, has been presented, along with the trajectory of adoption, challenges and risk factors. Finally, the study suggests standardisation of available BaaS platforms.
翻译:电链技术和云计算都是当代新兴技术。虽然电链技术的应用超越了加密货币,但云计算也出现了一种范式转变,以满足第四次工业革命的需要(工业4.0)。 新的技术升级,尤其是通过将这两套技术(例如“链链”服务(BaaaS))融合在一起,被认为是能够为企业创造显著的价值观。本文章从技术发展、应用、市场潜力等方面考察了BaaS目前的状况。已经提出了对BaaS各平台的评价性判断,并比较了采用、挑战和风险因素的轨迹。最后,研究报告建议了现有BaaS平台的标准化。