Evidence continues to grow in the MiniBooNE (MB) antineutrino mode supporting a low-energy excess compatible with the MB neutrino mode and possibly also confirming the results of the LSND experiment. At least one sterile neutrino is required to explain the anomalies consistent with the observations of other experiments. At the same time, there is a strong tension between the positive signals of LSND and MB and the null results of nu_e and nu_mu disappearance experiments. We explore a scenario, first proposed in \cite{Nelson:2010hz}, where the presence of an additional heavy sterile neutrino (with mass well above an eV) can alleviate tension between LSND, MB and the null results of disappearance experiments. We compare and contrast this 3+1+1 scenario with the more standard 3+1 scenario and carry out global fits to all oscillation data including new 2011 MB anti-nu data. We find that the tension can be somewhat alleviated and that a phenomenologically viable window for the heavy neutrino, consistent with rare decays and BBN constraints, can be found if the fifth neutrino has a mass of order 0.3 - 10 GeV. We also find, however, that the 2011 MB anti-nu data exacerbates the tension with null experiments in both the 3+1 and 3+1+1 models when the lowest energy bins are included, resulting in little improvement in the global fit. We also discuss the implications of an additional neutrino for the reactor and gallium anomalies, and show that an oscillation explanation of the anomalies is disfavored by cosmological considerations, direct searches, and precision electroweak tests.
翻译:MiniBooNe (MB) 抗中微子模式的证据继续增长,支持一种与MB中微子模式兼容的低能量过剩模式,并有可能确认LSND实验的结果。至少需要一种无菌的中微子来解释与其他实验的观测结果一致的异常现象。与此同时,LSND和MB的积极信号与Nu_e和nu_mu失踪实验的无效结果之间存在强烈的紧张。我们探索了一种情景,最初在\cite{Nelson:2010hz}中提出的情景是,存在一种与MBM中微子模式兼容的超低能量过剩的中微子(质量大大高于eV),可以缓解LSND、MB和失踪实验的无效结果之间的紧张关系。我们比较了3+1+1的假设与更标准的3+1情景对比,并将所有振动数据(包括2011年新的MB反核数据)数据相匹配。我们发现,紧张程度可以有所缓解,而对于重中微中微微子的改进窗口, 导致微子和BMB的深度变变变变变变,如果发现一个数据在2011年第5的温度上,那么,那么,那么的温度的温度的温度也显示,那么的温度和BMBMB的温度也显示一个数据。