Many solutions tailored for intuitive visualization or teleoperation of virtual, augmented and mixed (VAM) reality systems are not robust to robot failures, such as the inability to detect and recognize objects in the environment or planning unsafe trajectories. In this paper, we present a novel virtual reality (VR) framework where users can (i) recognize when the robot has failed to detect a real-world object, (ii) correct the error in VR, (iii) modify proposed object trajectories and, (iv) implement behaviors on a real-world robot. Finally, we propose a user study aimed at testing the efficacy of our framework. Project materials can be found in the OSF repository.
翻译:为虚拟、增强和混合(VAM)现实系统直观可视化或远程操作而设计的许多解决方案,对于机器人的失败并不有力,例如无法探测和识别环境中的物体或规划不安全轨道。在本文件中,我们提出了一个全新的虚拟现实框架,用户可以(一) 识别机器人未能探测到真实世界物体时,(二) 纠正VR中的错误,(三) 修改拟议的物体轨迹,(四) 对真实世界机器人实施行为。最后,我们提议进行用户研究,以测试我们框架的效力。项目材料可以在 OSF 库中找到。