After power is switched on, recovering the interrupted program from the initial state can cause negative impact. Some programs are even unrecoverable. To rapid recovery of program execution under power failures, the execution states of checkpoints are backed up by NVM under power failures for embedded systems with NVM. However, frequent checkpoints will shorten the lifetime of the NVM and incur significant write overhead. In this paper, the technique of checkpoint setting triggered by function calls is proposed to reduce the write on NVM. The evaluation results show an average of 99.8% and 80.5$% reduction on NVM backup size for stack backup, compared to the log-based method and step-based method. In order to better achieve this, we also propose pseudo-function calls to increase backup points to reduce recovery costs, and exponential incremental call-based backup methods to reduce backup costs in the loop. To further avoid the content on NVM is cluttered and out of NVM, a method to clean the contents on the NVM that are useless for restoration is proposed. Based on aforementioned problems and techniques, the recovery technology is proposed, and the case is used to analyze how to recover rapidly under different power failures.
翻译:启用电源后, 从初始状态中恢复中断的程序可能会造成负面影响 。 有些程序甚至无法恢复 。 为了快速恢复在断电情况下执行程序, 执行检查站的状态由 NVM 在 NVM 嵌入系统断电的情况下由 NVM 支持。 但是, 频繁的检查站将缩短 NVM 的寿命, 并产生大量的写作管理费用 。 在本文中, 提议使用功能调用触发的检查站设置技术来减少 NVM 的写作。 评估结果表明, NVM 备份的堆积备份规模比基于日志的方法和步骤的方法平均减少99.8%和80.5% 。 为了更好地实现这一目标, 我们还提议使用假功能电话来增加备份点, 以减少回收成本, 并使用指数式递增的备份方法来减少循环中的备份费用 。 为了进一步避免 NVM 上的内容被捆绑并排出 NVM, 将提出一种清理 NVM 中无法恢复的内容的方法。 根据上述问题和技术,, 提议恢复技术, 恢复技术, 并用这个案例 分析如何在不同的失败下迅速恢复 。