We prove that a formula predicted on the basis of non-rigorous physics arguments [Zdeborova and Krzakala: Phys. Rev. E (2007)] provides a lower bound on the chromatic number of sparse random graphs. The proof is based on the interpolation method from mathematical physics. In the case of random regular graphs the lower bound can be expressed algebraically, while in the case of the binomial random we obtain a variational formula. As an application we calculate improved explicit lower bounds on the chromatic number of random graphs for small (average) degrees. Additionally, show how asymptotic formulas for large degrees that were previously obtained by lengthy and complicated combinatorial arguments can be re-derived easily from these new results.
翻译:我们证明,根据非强力物理论据预测的公式[Zdeborova和Krzakala:Phys.Rev.E (2007)]对稀有随机图表的染色数限制较低。该证据基于数学物理的内插法。在随机常规图中,下限可以表示代数,而在二进制随机图中,我们获得一个变式公式。作为一个应用程序,我们计算了小(平均)度随机图的色谱数的更清晰的下限。此外,还显示如何从这些新结果中轻易地重新得出先前通过冗长和复杂的组合辩论获得的较大程度上的烟雾公式。