We consider a problem introduced by Feige, Gamarnik, Neeman, R\'acz and Tetali [2020], that of finding a large clique in a random graph $G\sim G(n,\frac{1}{2})$, where the graph $G$ is accessible by queries to entries of its adjacency matrix. The query model allows some limited adaptivity, with a constant number of rounds of queries, and $n^\delta$ queries in each round. With high probability, the maximum clique in $G$ is of size roughly $2\log n$, and the goal is to find cliques of size $\alpha\log n$, for $\alpha$ as large as possible. We prove that no two-rounds algorithm is likely to find a clique larger than $\frac{4}{3}\delta\log n$, which is a tight upper bound when $1\leq\delta\leq \frac{6}{5}$. For other ranges of parameters, namely, two-rounds with $\frac{6}{5}<\delta<2$, and three-rounds with $1\leq\delta<2$, we improve over the previously known upper bounds on $\alpha$, but our upper bounds are not tight. If early rounds are restricted to have fewer queries than the last round, then for some such restrictions we do prove tight upper bounds.
翻译:我们认为Feige, Gamarnik, Neeman, R\'acz 和 Tetali [2020] 带来的一个问题,就是在随机图形$G\sim G(n,\\frac{1\ ⁇ 2})$(美元)中找到一个大圆块, 以查询其相邻矩阵条目, 查询模式允许有一定的适配性, 且每轮查询次数不变, 以及 $ ⁇ delta$ 的查询。 极有可能, 美元的最大圆块的大小大约为 $2\ log n, 目标是在尽可能大的情况下找到大小为$\ alpha\ log n$( n) 的圆块。 我们证明, 任何两轮算的算法都不可能发现比 $frac{4\ 3\ delta\ log n$(美元) 更大的圆括号, 当$\qleq\delta\q\\\\\ leq\\\\ g\ flax $(美元) 6\ 5} (美元) 美元时, $。对于其他的严格参数范围, 范围中有些范围, 即, $2 lex-ro- clodlexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx