Research seeks to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) to scale and extend the capabilities of human operators to defend networks. A fundamental problem that hinders the generalization of successful AI approaches -- i.e., beating humans at playing games -- is that network defense cannot be defined as a single game with a fixed set of rules. Our position is that network defense is better characterized as a collection of games with uncertain and possibly drifting rules. Hence, we propose to define network defense tasks as distributions of network environments, to: (i) enable research to apply modern AI techniques, such as unsupervised curriculum learning and reinforcement learning for network defense; and, (ii) facilitate the design of well-defined challenges that can be used to compare approaches for autonomous cyberdefense. To demonstrate that an approach for autonomous network defense is practical it is important to be able to reason about the boundaries of its applicability. Hence, we need to be able to define network defense tasks that capture sets of adversarial tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs); quality of service (QoS) requirements; and TTPs available to defenders. Furthermore, the abstractions to define these tasks must be extensible; must be backed by well-defined semantics that allow us to reason about distributions of environments; and should enable the generation of data and experiences from which an agent can learn. Our approach named Network Environment Design for Autonomous Cyberdefense inspired the architecture of FARLAND, a Framework for Advanced Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Network Defense, which we use at MITRE to develop RL network defenders that perform blue actions from the MITRE Shield matrix against attackers with TTPs that drift from MITRE ATT&CK TTPs.
翻译:我们的立场是,网络防御更好地被描述为具有不确定和可能漂移规则的游戏集。因此,我们提议将网络防御任务定义为网络环境的分布,以便:(一) 使研究能够应用现代的网络防御技术,如未经监督的课程学习和加强网络防御学习等;以及(二) 便利设计清晰界定的挑战,以便用来比较自主网络防御的方法。为了证明自主网络防御的方法是实用的,必须能够解释其适用性的范围。因此,我们需要能够界定网络防御任务,以捕捉一系列对抗性策略、技术和程序(TTPM)的分布,以便:(一) 使研究能够应用现代的网络防御技术,例如未经监督的课程学习和加强网络防御的学习;以及(二) 便利设计清晰界定的挑战,以便用来比较自主网络防御的方法。 证明自主网络防御的方法是实用的。 因此,我们需要能够界定网络防御任务的范围,从而从网络的高度防御方法、技术和程序(TTTPMMM); 服务的质量(QS); 向捍卫者提供技术的学习质量(QS); 以及TTP提供。此外, 用于定义这些任务定义的网络结构的抽象,以便定义我们的网络的网络的网络的网络的网络的网络的网络结构环境能够使我们能够使网络的网络的网络的网络得以学习环境的架构得以学习环境成为。