Quantum networks constitute a major part of quantum technologies. They will boost distributed quantum computing drastically by providing a scalable modular architecture of quantum chips, or by establishing an infrastructure for measurement based quantum computing. Moreover, they will provide the backbone of the future quantum internet, allowing for high margins of security. Interestingly, the advantages that the quantum networks would provide for communications, rely on entanglement distribution, which suffers from high latency in protocols based on Bell pair distribution and bipartite entanglement swapping. Moreover, the designed algorithms for multipartite entanglement routing suffer from intractability issues making them unsolvable exactly in polynomial time. In this paper, we investigate a new approach for graph states distribution in quantum networks relying inherently on local quantum coding -- LQC -- isometries and on multipartite states transfer. Additionally, single-shot bounds for stabilizer states distribution are provided. Analogously to network coding, these bounds are shown to be achievable if appropriate isometries/stabilizer codes in relay nodes are chosen, which induces a lower latency entanglement distribution. As a matter of fact, the advantages of the protocol for different figures of merit of the network are provided.