Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) leverage neural-networks to find the solutions of partial differential equation (PDE)-constrained optimization problems with initial conditions and boundary conditions as soft constraints. These soft constraints are often considered to be the sources of the complexity in the training phase of PINNs. Here, we demonstrate that the challenge of training (i) persists even when the boundary conditions are strictly enforced, and (ii) is closely related to the Kolmogorov n-width associated with problems demonstrating transport, convection, traveling waves, or moving fronts. Given this realization, we describe the mechanism underlying the training schemes such as those used in eXtended PINNs (XPINN), curriculum regularization, and sequence-to-sequence learning. For an important category of PDEs, i.e., governed by non-linear convection-diffusion equation, we propose reformulating PINNs on a Lagrangian frame of reference, i.e., LPINNs, as a PDE-informed solution. A parallel architecture with two branches is proposed. One branch solves for the state variables on the characteristics, and the second branch solves for the low-dimensional characteristics curves. The proposed architecture conforms to the causality innate to the convection, and leverages the direction of travel of the information in the domain. Finally, we demonstrate that the loss landscapes of LPINNs are less sensitive to the so-called "complexity" of the problems, compared to those in the traditional PINNs in the Eulerian framework.
翻译:物理知情的神经网络(PINNs)利用神经网络寻找部分差异方程式(PDE)的解决方案。根据这一认识,我们描述了培训计划所依据的机制,如在eXINPINNs(XPINN)中使用的比较机制、课程正规化和顺序到顺序学习。对于重要的PDEs类别,即由非线性对流-扩散方程式管理的培训,我们提议将PINNs改成一个拉格朗格参考框架,即LPINNs,作为PDE信息化解决方案。提出与eXINPINNs(XPINN)、课程正规化和顺序到顺序学习中所使用的机制相比,这些软限制往往被认为是PINNNS培训阶段的复杂性的来源。对于一个重要的PDE类别,即由非线性对流-排积方程式管理,我们建议将PINNN作为参考框架,即LINNS作为PDE信息解决方案的解决方案。与两个分支的平行结构,其两个分支的比较,即PINNINNPS(XINN), IM IMal deal develilal drial dal resultural dal disal disal disal resm disal thes thes thes) liversal thes thenal liversal disal liversal disal disal doldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldald saldald saldalpsaldismism saldaldaldaldaldaldaldaldalds, mats, mats, 。我们算, 也就是我们算, 和低级结构结构结构结构结构中, 和低序图中, 和低级结构结构结构结构结构结构结构结构结构结构结构结构结构的图的图的图的图图图图的图的图, 和低序图图图图的图的图, 和低序图中,这些。