In this paper, we study the expanding attack surface of Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) and the potential attacks against Vehicle-to-Microgrid (V2M) services. We present an anticipatory study of a multi-stage gray-box attack that can achieve a comparable result to a white-box attack. Adversaries aim to deceive the targeted Machine Learning (ML) classifier at the network edge to misclassify the incoming energy requests from microgrids. With an inference attack, an adversary can collect real-time data from the communication between smart microgrids and a 5G gNodeB to train a surrogate (i.e., shadow) model of the targeted classifier at the edge. To anticipate the associated impact of an adversary's capability to collect real-time data instances, we study five different cases, each representing different amounts of real-time data instances collected by an adversary. Out of six ML models trained on the complete dataset, K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) is selected as the surrogate model, and through simulations, we demonstrate that the multi-stage gray-box attack is able to mislead the ML classifier and cause an Evasion Increase Rate (EIR) up to 73.2% using 40% less data than what a white-box attack needs to achieve a similar EIR.
翻译:在本文中,我们研究了反反转机器学习(AML)的扩大攻击面,以及可能攻击车辆到米克鲁格里德(V2M)服务的情况。我们展示了对多阶段灰箱攻击的预测性研究,这种攻击可以取得与白箱攻击相似的结果。相反,其目的是欺骗网络边缘的目标机器学习(ML)分类员,以误导从微格网络收到的能源请求的分类。通过推断攻击,对手可以从智能微格和5G GG GNDEB之间的通信中收集实时数据,以在边缘训练目标分类器的替代模型(即,影子)。为了预测对手收集实时数据案例的能力的相关影响,我们研究了五个不同的案例,每个案例代表一个对手收集的不同数量的实时数据案例。在完整数据集培训的6个ML模型中,K-NNN(K-NN)被选为替代模型,并通过模拟,我们展示了使用多级的BARC-RBA(比EQRBBA) 升级到更低级的ERIBAA(比EBR) 升级到更低级的EQRIBAR)攻击需要。我们用多级的ERBRBA-RBA到更低级数据到更低级到更低级的ERBRBAR-RBAR。