The terms tree and forest are normally associated with an ensemble of classifiers. In this article Urysohn tree is a regression model representing multiple discrete Urysohn operators connected as a tree, where the inputs of one operator are outputs of the others. This structure, referred as Urysohn tree, is not completely new. One example of such tree is known for more than half a century. It is Kolmogorov-Arnold representation. The authors of this paper in their recently published research offered the new computational technique for constructing of Kolmogorov-Arnold representation as a deep machine learning process. This article is two steps further into this research. It has two parts. First is a lightweight binary Urysohn tree which is adequate replacement of Kolmogorov-Arnold model and second is a boosting algorithm for building of the forest of these trees for variance reduction and modeling of aleatoric uncertainty of the data.
翻译:树和森林通常与一组分类人员连在一起。 Urysohn树是一个回归模型,代表多个离散的Urysohn操作员连接成一棵树,其中一位操作员的投入是另一棵树的产出。这个结构称为Urysohn树,并非完全新结构。这种树的一个例子是半个多世纪以来所知道的。这是Kolmogorov-Arnold 的代表。本文作者在最近发表的研究中提出了建造Kolmogorov-Arnold 代表物的新计算技术,作为深层机器学习过程。这篇文章是这一研究的两步。它是进一步的。它有两个部分。第一是轻量的二进制Urysohn树,它足以取代Kolmogorov-Arnold 模型,第二是建造这些树木的森林的加速算法,以减少差异和模拟数据的悬浮性不确定性。