Background: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is often considered a precursor to Alzheimer's disease (AD) due to the high rate of progression from MCI to AD. Sensitive neural biomarkers may provide a tool for an accurate MCI diagnosis, enabling earlier and perhaps more effective treatment. Despite the availability of numerous neuroscience techniques, electroencephalography (EEG) is the most popular and frequently used tool among researchers due to its low cost and superior temporal resolution. Objective: We conducted a scoping review of EEG and MCI between 2012 and 2022 to track the progression of research in this field. Methods: In contrast to previous scoping reviews, the data charting was aided by co-occurrence analysis using VOSviewer, while data reporting adopted a Patterns, Advances, Gaps, Evidence of Practice, and Research Recommendations (PAGER) framework to increase the quality of the results. Results: Event-related potentials (ERPs) and EEG, epilepsy, quantitative EEG (QEEG), and EEG-based machine learning were the research themes addressed by 2310 peer-reviewed articles on EEG and MCI. Conclusion: Our review identified the main research themes in EEG and MCI with high-accuracy detection of seizure and MCI performed using ERP/EEG, QEEG and EEG-based machine learning frameworks.
翻译:尽管存在许多神经科学技术,但电子脑镜学是研究人员中最受欢迎和经常使用的工具,因为其成本低且时间分辨率高。 目标:我们在2012年至2022年期间对脑电图和脑电图进行了范围审查,以跟踪这一领域的研究进展。 方法:与以往的范围界定审查相比,通过使用VOSviewer进行共同分析,有助于绘制数据图表,同时数据报告采用了模式、进展、差距、实践证据和研究建议框架,以提高结果的质量。结果:与事件有关的潜力(ERPs)和脑电图、癫痫、定量 EEEG(QEG)和基于EEG的机器学习是2310份经同行审查的关于EEG和MCI的研究主题,与使用VOSviewer进行共同分析,而数据报告则采用了模式、进展、差距、实践证据和研究建议框架,以提高结果的质量。