Computed tomography (CT) is a widely-used imaging technology that assists clinical decision-making with high-quality human body representations. To reduce the radiation dose posed by CT, sparse-view and limited-angle CT are developed with preserved image quality. However, these methods are still stuck with a fixed or uniform sampling strategy, which inhibits the possibility of acquiring a better image with an even reduced dose. In this paper, we explore this possibility via learning an active sampling policy that optimizes the sampling positions for patient-specific, high-quality reconstruction. To this end, we design an \textit{intelligent agent} for active recommendation of sampling positions based on on-the-fly reconstruction with obtained sinograms in a progressive fashion. With such a design, we achieve better performances on the NIH-AAPM dataset over popular uniform sampling, especially when the number of views is small. Finally, such a design also enables RoI-aware reconstruction with improved reconstruction quality within regions of interest (RoI's) that are clinically important. Experiments on the VerSe dataset demonstrate this ability of our sampling policy, which is difficult to achieve based on uniform sampling.
翻译:为了减少CT的辐射剂量,以保存图像质量开发了低视和有限角CT。然而,这些方法仍然被固定或统一的取样战略所束缚,这阻碍了以甚至更低的剂量获得更好的图像的可能性。在本文件中,我们通过学习一种积极的取样政策来探索这种可能性,这种政策可以优化特定病人的高质量重建的取样位置。为此,我们设计了一种\ textit{ingicant 代理},用于在飞地重建的基础上积极推荐基于已获得的罪状图的采样位置。有了这种设计,我们在NIH-AAPM的数据集上取得了更好的业绩,超过了流行的统一采样,特别是在意见较少的情况下。最后,这种设计还使得RoI-aware能够重建,在具有临床重要性的区域内重建质量得到提高。对VerSe数据集的实验表明,我们取样政策的能力是难以在统一的基础上实现的。