The emergence of the digital book is a major step forward in providing access to reading, and therefore often to the common culture and the labour market. By allowing the enrichment of texts with cognitive crutches, EPub 3 compatible accessibility formats such as FROG have proven their effectiveness in alleviating but also reducing dyslexic disorders. In this paper, we show how Artificial Intelligence and particularly Transfer Learning with Google BERT can automate the division into units of meaning, and thus facilitate the creation of enriched digital books at a moderate cost.
翻译:数字书的出现是在提供阅读机会方面向前迈出的一大步,因此往往进入共同文化和劳动力市场。 通过允许用认知拐杖丰富文字,FriGG等3个兼容的无障碍格式(EPub 3)已证明了它们能有效缓解但同时也减少了阅读障碍。 在本文中,我们展示了与Google BERT的人工智能,尤其是与Google BERT的转移学习是如何将分解成意义单位的,从而帮助以适度成本创建丰富数字书籍。