Active Directory is the most popular service to manage users and devices on the network. Its widespread deployment in the corporate world has made it a popular target for threat actors. While there are many attacks that target Active Directory and its authentication protocol Kerberos, ticket forgery attacks are among the most dangerous. By exploiting weaknesses in Kerberos, attackers can craft their own tickets that allow them to gain unauthorized access to services on the network. These types of attacks are both dangerous and hard to detect. They may require a powerful centralized log collecting system to analyze Windows security logs across multiple services. This would give additional visibility to be able to find these forged tickets in the network.
翻译:活跃目录是管理网络用户和装置的最受欢迎的服务。 它在公司世界的广泛部署使它成为威胁行为者的一个受欢迎的目标。 虽然有许多攻击针对活跃目录及其认证协议Kerberos,但伪造票袭击是最危险的。 通过利用Kerberos的弱点,攻击者可以自己设计出可以允许他们未经授权进入网络服务的门票。这些类型的攻击既危险又难以察觉。它们可能需要一个强大的中央记录收集系统来分析多种服务的Windows安全日志。这将在网络中增加可见度,以便能够找到这些伪造的门票。