Several well-studied online resource allocation problems can be formulated in terms of infinite, increasing sequences of positive values, in which each element is associated with a corresponding allocation value. Examples include problems such as online bidding, searching for a hidden target on an unbounded line, and designing interruptible algorithms based on repeated executions. The performance of the online algorithm, in each of these problems, is measured by the competitive ratio, which describes the multiplicative performance loss due to the absence of full information on the instance. We study such competitive sequencing problems in a setting in which the online algorithm has some (potentially) erroneous information, expressed as a $k$-bit advice string, for some given $k$. We first consider the untrusted advice setting of [Angelopoulos et al, ITCS 2020], in which the objective is to quantify performance considering two extremes: either the advice is either error-free, or it is generated by a (malicious) adversary. Here, we show a Pareto-optimal solution, using a new approach for applying the functional-based lower-bound technique due to [Gal, Israel J. Math. 1972]. Next, we study a nascent noisy advice setting, in which a number of the advice bits may be erroneous; the exact error is unknown to the online algorithm, which only has access to a pessimistic estimate (i.e., an upper bound on this error). We give improved upper bounds, but also the first lower bound on the competitive ratio of an online problem in this setting. To this end, we combine ideas from robust query-based search in arrays, and fault-tolerant contract scheduling. Last, we demonstrate how to apply the above techniques in robust optimization without predictions, and discuss how they can be applicable in the context of more general online problems.
翻译:几个经过认真研究的在线资源分配问题可以用无限、不断增长的正值序列来形成,其中每个元素都与相应的分配值相关。例如在线投标、寻找未受约束线上的隐藏目标以及设计基于多次处决的中断算法等问题。在其中每一个问题中,在线算法的性能都以竞争比率来衡量,它描述了由于缺乏关于实例的全面信息而导致的多倍性性能损失。我们研究在网上算法存在一些(潜在)错误信息的环境下的竞争性排序问题,其中每个元素都以美元比特咨询字符串的形式表示,对一些给定的美元表示。我们首先考虑在线投标、在未受信任的设置[Angelopoulos 和(ITCS 2020年] 中,其目标就是在考虑到两个极端的情况下量化业绩:要么是无误,要么是错失利的。在这里,要么是错错失利的。我们首先展示了一种“Pareto-opyal ” 的解决方案, 使用一种新的方法将基于功能的低度技术应用到[Gal、Iraisl、Jsal 和nal ad adal view] 。接下来,我们的研究只能将一个错误放在一个错误中, 将一个错误放在一个错误中。最后的路径, 。在网上的路径中, 将一个错误放在一个错误中。