Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are getting increasing attention to deal with Land Cover Classification (LCC) relying on Satellite Image Time Series (SITS). Though high performances can be achieved, the rationale of a prediction yielded by a DNN often remains unclear. An architecture expressing predictions with respect to input channels is thus proposed in this paper. It relies on convolutional layers and an attention mechanism weighting the importance of each channel in the final classification decision. The correlation between channels is taken into account to set up shared kernels and lower model complexity. Experiments based on a Sentinel-2 SITS show promising results.
翻译:深神经网络(DNN)日益受到越来越多的注意,处理依赖卫星图像时间序列的土地覆盖分类(LCC)的问题。虽然可以取得很高的绩效,但DNN得出的预测理由往往仍然不清楚,因此本文件提出了对输入渠道作出预测的架构,它依靠的是变化层和在最后分类决定中权衡每个渠道重要性的注意机制。在建立共享内核和较低模型复杂性时,考虑到各渠道之间的相互关系。基于Sentinel-2 SITS的实验显示了有希望的结果。