Daily manipulation tasks are characterized by regular characteristics associated with the task structure, which can be described by multiple geometric primitives related to actions and object shapes. Such geometric descriptors can not be expressed only in Cartesian coordinate systems. In this paper, we propose a learning approach to extract the optimal representation from a dictionary of coordinate systems to represent an observed movement. This is achieved by using an extension of Gaussian distributions on Riemannian manifolds, which is used to analyse a set of user demonstrations statistically, by considering multiple geometries as candidate representations of the task. We formulate the reproduction problem as a general optimal control problem based on an iterative linear quadratic regulator (iLQR), where the Gaussian distribution in the extracted coordinate systems are used to define the cost function. We apply our approach to grasping and box opening tasks in simulation and on a 7-axis Franka Emika robot. The results show that the robot can exploit several geometries to execute the manipulation task and generalize it to new situations, by maintaining the invariant features of the skill in the coordinate system(s) of interest.
翻译:日常操作任务的特点是与任务结构相关的常规特征,这些特征可以用与动作和对象形状有关的多几何原始特征来描述。这些几何描述器不能只在笛卡尔坐标系统中表达。 在本文中,我们建议了一种学习方法,从坐标系统字典中提取最佳表达方式,以代表观察到的移动。这是通过在里曼尼方块上扩展高西亚分布方式实现的,该方法用来从统计上分析一套用户演示,将多重几何特征作为任务的候选表达方式。我们根据迭代线性线性二次调控器(iLQR)将复制问题描述为一般最佳控制问题,在迭代线性线性二次调控器(iLQR)中,利用抽取的戈西亚调式分布来界定成本功能。我们运用了我们的方法,在模拟和7轴法兰卡埃米卡机器人中掌握和框框框框开任务。结果显示,机器人可以利用数个地理模型执行操纵任务,将其概括为新情况,保持协调系统技能的不变性。